Daily Life

When You Wake Up in a Bad Mood for No Reason

Do you ever wake up in a bad mood for no reason? That was me this morning. I had an amazing birthday yesterday, I have fun birthday activities planned for the next week, literally nothing in my life has changed between yesterday and today but I woke up so cranky!
I was low on patience, and I couldn’t shake it!
The kids seemed extra needy, I felt tired even after having an extra cup of coffee, I was low on patience, and I couldn’t shake it! I tried putting on some of my favorite music and cleaning up a little bit, I stretched, and I had some tea. None of my usual tricks were working. I felt annoyed with the kids for no reason, and super guilty about being annoyed. Because “they aren’t going to be hanging off me forever so I should enjoy every second.”
I felt annoyed with the kids for no reason, and super guilty about being annoyed.
I ended up forcing myself to get out and hike. It was late in the afternoon so we didn’t have time to go far, we just did a quick 2 and a quarter miles with not much of any elevation gain (but still counting it in my 52 hike challenge because hiking with kids means I’ll take what I can get!) Within a few minutes of getting out in nature, I already felt ten times better. It was like the sounds and smells and feel of the trails were melting away my crabbiness.
I felt annoyed with the kids for no reason, and super guilty about being annoyed.
Deep down I kind of knew getting out would help, but it’s so hard to motivate yourself to do something when you’re stuck in that cranky mindset! If it was just me and K, I probably would have stayed home and grouched around all day. But that would mean carrying Isabelle around the apartment to keep her from crying and that gets old fast. I ended up having a really good time with the girls once we were out. Still feeling a little lingering crankiness though, so I think I’ll do a run tonight when Jason gets home and try for a full mental reset. What are your go-to tricks for when you wake up as a grouch-zilla?


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