Daily Life

Two kids at the park. What was I thinking?

Took both the girls to the park today… We had a good time playing for a couple hours and then left after K had level 11 tantrum when she realized she couldn’t get farther than the second rung on the ? monkey bars and Mommy couldn’t do it for her (Sorry kid, you’re 2 and your arms are too short and you have the rest of your life to figure out the stupid monkey bars.)

Sorry kid, you’re 2 and your arms are too short and you have the rest of your life to figure out the stupid monkey bars.

So we start walking home and Belles gets hungry and starts crying (because it had been a whole 90 minutes since she ate last and was clearly about to die of starvation). We’re not far so I figure she can wait 5 minutes. We stop at my car 2 blocks from home to put the stroller in the back (I store it in there bc I can’t carry the stroller and the girls and all their shit up 2 flights of stairs every time we go somewhere) and K drops her sassy (pacifier ?) and gets mad I can’t “wash sass” (with the nonexistent faucet I keep in my pocket at all times) so she lies down on the sidewalk and starts crying.

So she lies down on the sidewalk and starts crying.

By now Belles is screaming in the carrier so pretty much right in my face (sorry I can’t feed you while I attempt to fold up this massive double stroller) and the stroller will not fold the way it usually does. So of course I start crying. And now we’re all crying and it’s hot and I just want to go home so I call Jason at work like how the &#%! do I fold this damn thing up and he tells me the brake has to be on or it won’t fold ?. So I manage to fold it and close my trunk and Belles is still screaming in the carrier and K is still screaming on the ground so I scoop her up AND her backpack (which she loads up with shit and insists on carrying places so I can lug it home every. single. time) AND the diaper bag.

Now we’re all crying and it’s hot and I just want to go home.

I carry all of our shit and 2 screaming girls the 2 blocks home and up 2 flights of stairs into our apartment for the second time this week ?, cursing myself for taking them somewhere. And now we’re inside and everyone is fed and changed and quiet because they’re both tired… and I’m already thinking about if we should go somewhere after nap time. Because apparently I’m a masochist.

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