Daily Life

Touch-a-Truck and vomiting at Frosted

Katie and Isabelle

Well, well, well.  Where to start.  I would perhaps suggest starting on the “About Me” page, and then coming back here.  At this point, I am adjusting to life as a new mom for the second time.  Juggling 2 kids has been like learning a new language.  Katie turned 2 on March 29th and Isabelle will be 4 weeks tomorrow so I am running on little sleep, hormones are dipping, and I am recovering from a c section.  But so far, it hasn’t been too bad.

Getting out of the house this morning was a little tough, but not impossible.  So far Isabelle just needs diapers and K needs diapers and a couple snacks.  We are still working on timing as far as getting everyone changed and fed and out of the house before someone poops or gets hungry again (Isabelle…).  It’s a work in progress.

Me and Katie sitting in the driver’s seat!

We went to a Touch-a-truck event today.  Belles had a hard time sleeping because all the kids wanted to honk all of the horns (in addition to the general roar of a noisy crowd), and I felt a little bit like a shitty mom for not thinking to bring ear protection, but K had fun.

And then the for grand finale of our day: I took the girls for a walk while Jason cleaned up the apartment and while we were out, we stopped at the cupcake place. I got a cookie for K and as we were walking out to leave, K stopped and projectile vomited all over the floor.  Like all over.  Every time I thought she was done and went to wipe her off, she would throw up even more.  And she’s crying and shouting “Mommy!” the whole time because she’s never thrown up before and she’s scared.  So by the end, there’s throw up everywhere and I stood there for a good 5 seconds in shock like I didn’t even know how to start cleaning this mess.  And may have teared up a little bit.

Luckily another mom sprung into action and asked me if I had some wipes to help me clean up K.  So we stripped her down and threw her clothes in a garbage bag while we cleaned her up.  An employee came out to do the floor (sorry!!) which ended up being so bad they had to close the store.  I put a jacket on a semi-clean K and got her back in the stroller.  At this point she’s crying because I took off her vomit-filled shoes and she wants them back on.  We get out of the store and Isabelle starts crying.  So I finish walking home with 2 screaming kids.

We arrived at home, and Jason got us inside.  K got mad when I threw a piece of her cookie in the grass from her stroller tray (apparently she still wanted it) and also insisted on walking upstairs backwards (like I had the first week after my c section).  These were both good signs that she didn’t feel too bad.  I threw K’s vomit clothes in the sink with some laundry soap (we don’t have in-unit laundry), washed my hands and fed Isabelle to calm her down.  Then I ran a shower with the drain plugged and washed myself and K while K played with her tub toys.  And now we are all fresh and clean and so ready for bed.

Now that it’s all said and done, I guess I can at least be somewhat glad K didn’t throw up all over the apartment…


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