3 years ago today! I think this is the only photo of my parents and I while I was pregnant. I was so excited about having a baby but not so excited about being pregnant. I didn’t take a lot of photos of me, I refused to wear maternity pants, I didn’t like talking about pregnancy related problems or my changing body.
To be honest, I was terrified. But terrified of being pregnant and of labor and not about having an actual baby. (Can you tell this pregnancy was a surprise to us? ?.) In a way, it was kind of nice being scared about superficial things like stretch marks and saggy boobs because I didn’t worry about things like what if something is wrong with Katie (which I did constantly with Isabelle and is a much deeper worry than stretch marks!)
The downside was that being so focused on the pregnancy and not the baby meant we didn’t prepare… like at all. Neither Jason nor I even knew how to change a diaper and of course we didn’t take any classes
. I will never forget the moment AFTER Katie was born when all the doctors and nurses left the room and we were alone with this tiny screaming creature and had no idea what to do with her. It was 100 times scarier than the actual labor!

Jason was on his phone furiously googling how to swaddle and we were both so tired from my 21 hour labor and all we wanted to do was sleep but we were now responsible for this tiny human for the rest of our lives… But like all things, we figured it out! And after a few weeks we no longer needed 2 people to change diapers and bath time got easier and I got the hang of nursing. It’s so funny looking back at what amateurs we were compared to when we had Isabelle. (Although life threw me quite the curveball with the breech position and the resulting c section with her!)
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