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underweight baby

Daily Life

Belles is a little peanut

Trying to fatten up this little peanut!! We went to the dr yesterday for shots and she has only gained 1 inch and is pretty much the same weight as she was 2 months ago. Enter the crushing Mom guilt… Is there something wrong with my milk? Have I been starving her? Is she sick and I didn’t notice? Of course I was in tears by the time her dr came in.

She took one look at her and said “She has pink cheeks, bright eyes, is super alert and active, and you can’t see her ribs. This is not a starving baby. She popped 2 teeth this week so probably nursed less (which she did), and she’s newly mobile (rolling consecutively) and stands and sits. I’m not worried about her, but we’ll do a weight check next week just to be safe.” In the meantime, we were instructed to add an extra meal of food with healthy fats (we were only giving one a day so far because we just started solids about 3 weeks ago.) So I’ve been nursing pretty much every 3 hours she’s awake and pumping her full of yogurt, avocado, cheese, and peanut butter (in addition to our fruits and veggies of course.) Fingers crossed this little 12.4 lb peanut is a 14 pounder by next week ?.