This little lady is getting such a big personality and and even bigger attitude. She’s at the age where she wants things but doesn’t know enough words to articulate herself so she screams at the top of her lungs when she doesn’t get what she wants. I remember K doing the same thing around this age and it lasted over a year. We’re crossing our fingers IB will outgrow it sooner than that!
She doesn’t know enough words to articulate herself so she screams at the top of her lungs when she doesn’t get what she wants.
Isabelle also has the confidence of an Olympian lately, but isn’t that steady on her feet yet. Her constant climbing means lots of bumps and bruises. I think her short stature is giving her a complex. She wants to keep up with Katie so bad but she’s tiny! She wants to ride the scooter but her legs are too short to push, she wants to grab things off the counters but she’s way too short to reach them, and lately she wants to sit at the table and not in the high chair but she isn’t tall enough to reach her food! The struggle!
She wants to ride the scooter but her legs are too short to push, she wants to grab things off the counters but she’s way too short to reach them…
But watching her at this age is so much fun. She is so inquisitive and I love seeing how proud of herself she is when she learns new things. Oh, how I wish I could freeze her at this age!