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toddler wearing different shoes

Daily Life

Toddler Power Struggles

Let’s talk toddler power struggles. Katie’s new thing is to wear 2 different shoes – which we are completely fine with. We try to let her make choices in her life whenever possible. I think we give her a fair amount of control for a toddler.

Lately we’ve been noticing Katie will ask for things and we aren’t even sure she wants anything

Lately we’ve been noticing Katie will ask for things and we aren’t even sure she wants anything – it’s like she just wants to see what we’ll give her. It usually goes something like, “I need water pleeeease!” (Of course in the whinest voice ever like she has been dying of thirst for 3 days.) So after we do the whole “How do you ask?” song and dance, we give her water.

Obviously we don’t want to deny her things she needs, but this game is getting kind of ridiculous.

Then it’s “I need milk!” “I need a snack!” “Can we watch something on tv?” “Can we go outside?” “Can we go home?” (She has literally asked me this while we are sitting on our couch AT HOME.) Obviously we don’t want to deny her things she needs, but this game is getting kind of ridiculous. It’s especially bad at bedtime, which is a whole separate stalling issue, I think. But the nonstop asking for things is driving me crazy. However, I’m not about to say no when my kid asks for water. Does anyone else’s kids do this? And how do you handle it?