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toddler problems

Daily Life

A much needed 3 day weekend

What are everyone’s plans for the 3 day weekend?! I’m so ready, you guys. This has been a really rough with the kids for me. Isabelle is at the age where she wants things but doesn’t know enough words so she’s constantly screaming and clawing at me because she’s upset I don’t know what she wants.

“Can you please get out of the car? It’s time to get out of the car. Let’s get out of the car now. Get out of the car, NOW. Okay I’m going to count to 3 and then I’m going to remove your body from the car.” 

K has really struggled with listening this week too. Everything I ask her starts out like “Can you please get out of the car? It’s time to get out of the car. Let’s get out of the car now. Get out of the car, NOW. Okay I’m going to count to 3 and then I’m going to remove your body from the car.” *Tantrum of the century ensues*… And rinse and repeat for every thing I ask all day. I’m exhausted. I’m spent. Having one of those weeks I wish I could run away! I’m so ready for a 3 day weekend and for Jason to be able to help with the girls. What is everyone else doing this weekend? Any fun plans?

Daily Life

Threenager Problems. Send help.

Okay friends, looking for all the advice right now because this little threenager has been… what’s a nicer word for horrible? Yeah… she’s been that. Typically things go in 2 week cycles around here. We’ll get a phase where she seems to be listening well, using her words, following directions, and I think to myself, maybe she’s just growing up! And then it’s like a flip switches overnight and I have a demon child. (Oops, I mean, a strong-willed child who struggles with listening…)

And then it’s throwing, hitting, stomping, shouting, being mean to her sister, all without pausing in between one bad thing to the next!

And then it’s throwing, hitting, stomping, shouting, being mean to her sister, all without pausing in between one bad thing to the next! I am exhausted. I have tried talking to her one on one when Isabelle isn’t around asking what’s going on and am only getting answers like “I hit her because I didn’t want her to hit me” or “because I wanted to be near her” or “because I wasn’t behaving.” Basically not getting answers. Isabelle is newly walking so maybe the extra attention she’s getting is making Katie jealous.

We are trying our best when Isabelle is awake, too, to split the attention, but Isabelle also needs attention

We have been trying to give K more one on one time and even been doing games just the three of us every night after Isabelle goes to bed. We are trying our best when Isabelle is awake, too, to split the attention, but Isabelle also needs attention. She’s excited about walking and looks at us all proud and I don’t want to feel like we can’t get excited for her because we’re scared it will set Katie off. That’s not fair either.

I’m seriously at my wit’s end.

I know any day now the cycle will switch again and we’ll be back to better days, but I need help in the mean time. I’m seriously at my wit’s end. I would like to get through this without having everything in our house broken, without Isabelle getting hurt, with my sanity, and preferably without any new wrinkles (is that last too much to ask?)

Opinion Pieces

What Do You Do When Your Kid Won’t Listen to You?

No, seriously.  I’m asking.  I hope you didn’t come here for the answer because I don’t have it (although hoping someone comments with a magic solution…). Sure, I know what to do IN THE MOMENT.  If my kid strays too far from me at a store and doesn’t return when I call her, obviously I know the solution is to go and get her.  But what do I do so it doesn’t happen next time? (And the time after that.  And after that.)

My first born is a firecracker, a free-thinker, independent, spirited, fearless…

My first born is a firecracker, a free-thinker, independent, spirited, fearless… and I LOVE her for that.  And I don’t want to change that about her.  She will do incredible things someday.  But we need to come to some sort of understanding about rules.  Because she doesn’t listen to a damn thing I say.

I don’t fight her if she wants to wear her rain boots to the beach or take her shirt off at the park.

I try my best to pick my battles, I really do.  I don’t fight her if she wants to wear her rain boots to the beach or take her shirt off at the park.  I’m not going to lose my shit if she eats a goldfish off the ground, especially if she was the one who dropped it (though I will discourage her from doing it again.)  For us, the big battles are safety related – hers and her sister’s.  This means no jumping on the couch, standing on the swivel chair, climbing the tv stand (are you noticing a pattern here?), and returning when she gets too far away from me and I call her.  (Ideally not getting that far from me to begin with…)

So far, we have stuck with logical consequences despite them not really working.  For example, if you jump on the couch you have to sit on the floor. This usually results in her sitting on the floor, which she doesn’t mind, and doesn’t deter her from jumping on the couch next time.  Same with me taking the toys she throws.  Sometimes she will throw something and then hand it to me and say “Mommy take.” 

Sometimes she will throw something and then hand it to me and say “Mommy take.”

We have also tried time out, which doesn’t seem to help.  In fact, sometimes she will throw something and put herself on time out for a minute and then return.  We tried swapping time outs for time ins for a while, which actually led to an increase in bad behaviors so she could get Mommy alone for a few minutes.  (I would like to add that I do take time every day to spend alone with her and try to do one or two outings a week just the two of us, but with a 6 month old, there’s only so much alone time I can give her.) Despite the controversy, we still do the occasional time out, more for my sanity than anything (I know. Shame.)

I have read books and blogs and watched Nanny 911 videos on youtube.

I have read books and blogs and watched Nanny 911 videos on youtube.  I make eye contact, speak to her like an adult, and avoid going places when she’s tired (we practically avoid stores like the plague anyways because it’s just too hard.) I wish I could say I never raise my voice, but that’s a lie.  I wish I didn’t, but when danger is imminent, or I am just overly frustrated because I’ve said the same thing 700 times, I sometimes raise my voice.  And honestly, it gets results half the time, which is more than I can say about anything else I’ve tried.  But I want results without raising my voice.

I’m not unreasonable.  I know toddlers don’t always listen.  I would even settle for her listening 50% of the time.  I feel like that’s fair?

I would even settle for her listening 50% of the time.  I feel like that’s fair?

The problem I am having is that I don’t want her to blindly follow the rules and I don’t want to break her spirit.  I love that she is independent and tenacious, but I also want her to be safe.  The other day she ran ahead of me in a store and went down an aisle with water and broken glass on the ground (seriously though, wtf.) I got to her quickly and was able to remove her, but her independence scares me.

So, from one desperate mom to another, I would love advice.  I know there isn’t a magic solution, but does anyone else have a strong little firecracker they have found a way to communicate with?  Looking forward to what everyone has to say.

Daily Life

Joining in with Dance Class

Confession time: watching K finally participate in dance these past couple weeks gives me tears almost the whole class. I have to stifle them so I’m not that weird mom in the back who cries every week. Maybe it’s because she looks so happy now that she finally joined in, maybe it’s because my guilt over bringing her every week is alleviated now that I know she wants to be there.

I still partly felt like a mom forcing their kid to do an activity she didn’t want to do

She always said how much fun she had even when she wasn’t participating, and before every class I made sure to ask if she wanted to be there and she always said yes, but I still partly felt like a mom forcing their kid to do an activity she didn’t want to do as I watched her slide around on the floor week after week, and refuse to participated in every activity but the parachute.

She’s becoming such a little lady right before my eyes.

And then watching her enjoy herself today wearing her new dance outfit, I just realized how grown up she looked. She’s becoming such a little lady right before my eyes. I noticed her listening to her teacher’s instruction and looking for acceptance from her peers, and I had an epiphany that so many other people will influence her life besides me. And at some point, other people will likely begin to influence her more than I will. It was rather jarring to think about, though I know it’s inevitable. It made me think about how I can’t protect her from everything, and I hate that, (tearing up even as I write this ?. Having kids breaks open your soul and makes all the feelings come out!)

At some point, other people will likely begin to influence her more than I will.

But for now I am grateful I can still hold her tight and give her raspberries on her belly, and she can still be my little girl for a while longer