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teachers influence our kids

Daily Life

Katie’s teachers are amazing

Today I am thankful for Katie’s school. When she first started, I was nervous that anyone would be able to work with her energy level and relate to her the same way that I can. When we toured the school and saw all the other kids walking 2 by 2 in the hallway and doing circle time, I worried that K wasn’t capable of listening/following those kinds of rules (I mean, she wasn’t even 2 yet and barely istening to me! ) And here I am now, taking notes on how they do it!

I worried that K wasn’t capable of listening/following those kinds of rules

And then yesterday we had the privilege of bumping into the woman who started the school. She was a Holocaust survivor who concealed herself as a Catholic girl with forged papers. And then here she was sitting next to a photo of herself as a little girl, a photo I had seen on the building wall countless times before and had no idea who it was, and she was telling us her story. She said she started the school over 50 years ago and it was only one day a week at the time, and now it has grown into the amazing program it it today.

I am so honored to have met her and grateful that she put so much work into starting this wonderful program. This photo is a piece of artwork K made at school and they made into a sheet of stickers. Every day she comes home with new art, knowledge, and songs, and I am so grateful for how much they are helping her grow into an amazing young lady.#30daysofthankfullness