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spirited toddler

Daily Life

Parent Teacher Conferences

When did she become such a little grown up?! Carrying her own backpack and drinking out of a cup and asking “why?” about Every. Single. Thing. We had parent-teacher conferences yesterday (I know… and she isn’t even 3 ) and I kind of had an idea about how things would go. I spend every second with K so I thought I knew everything about her development and what she still struggles with.
        I was pleasantly surprised about how well her teacher said she behaves at school (and much better than at home for Mom ?!) She sits in her seat most of the time (but wanders a little at lunch) and rarely throws tantrums. She still cries (fake cries) quite a bit, and much more than her peers (because she’s a little actress…) but less than before. Actually her teacher said yesterday was the first day she made it all day without crying but then when we went to pick her up when the conference was over, she was crying when we got there  Almost made it!
           Her teacher also mentioned several times how “independent” K is, along with words like “spirited”, “strong”, etc. Jason and I always laugh because we know it’s code for “You got one of the hard ones!!”, but we also know strong children become strong adults who can change the world! (At least that’s what we tell ourselves when we’re mad she thinks it’s okay to run 50 feet away from us without so much as a single look back as we chase her screaming her name ?.)
          We still need to work on her recognizing her name in writing but I found out she can count to 29, which surprised me. At home she stops at 13 and says she doesn’t know what comes next! For someone who is so independent about everything else, it’s kind of funny she’s been keeping an extra 16 numbers under wraps when she’s counting in front of us ?.
         Overall I left pretty much beaming. Not about her counting or other milestones – the school is not focused on academics and neither are we at this point, but about the kind words her teacher said about her. She seems to really love K, and “spirited” or not, she loves her spunky personality and her zest for life. It’s a good feeling when other people see what you see in your kids. You feel like you must be doing something right.


Daily Life

On raising an independent toddler

“I do it MYSELF!” If only I had a nickel for every time I heard that phrase ?. In the case of chopsticks, my dear strong-willed not-yet-3-year-old, you cannot do it yourself. Not yet. But I won’t tell you that. You are welcome to try to use chopsticks as often as you want, so long as you don’t get to the point where you’re starving yourself. In other situations, however, I don’t always have the luxury of patience.

When we’re running 10 minutes late for school and you insist on trying to zip your own jacket, I’m going to have to intervene. (I did this same thing to my mom with buckling my own shoes when I was K’s age – raising a mini you is a pain in the ass sometimes ?.) But I want you to know, sweet daughter, that I am picking my battles and trying to let you learn as often as I can. Soon enough you will be a pro at using chopsticks, and anything else you set your mind to, and I can’t wait for you to prove me right.