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Seeing your flaws in your kids

Daily Life

When You Realize Your Kids Are Just Like You…

The face you make while you decide if your floral arrangement is complete or not…. When I lived in Michigan, finding flowers in our yard to put into a vase was one of my favorite things to do in the summer. Some flowers only bloom for small windows of time, so it was extra special to clip some of those for an arrangement. Lilacs were always my favorite. It seemed like they only bloomed for a couple weeks, though it may have actually been longer.

 Sometimes I catch myself trying to correct K on things I do myself and I can’t help but laugh. 

K had a really good time wandering around the yard finding flowers to put into the vase. I think she even added in some shrubbery! It’s so bizarre when you see pieces of yourself in your kids. Personality-wise, I mean, (because looks-wise, they are all Jason!) Sometimes I catch myself trying to correct K on things I do myself and I can’t help but laugh. Yesterday I heard her getting upset while she was stacking some toys and they kept falling. I had to let her know that this is how gravity works, and there was nothing she could do to fight it. Some things will never balance on each other. It’s a fact of life.

Yesterday I heard her getting upset while she was stacking some toys and they kept falling. I had to let her know that this is how gravity works…

But then I thought about all the times I get mad at gravity.  Does anyone else do this? You are carrying a stack of items you stacked poorly and they fall, or a dish falls off of the drying rack because you stacked it poorly? And you want to be mad, but it’s kind of your own fault (and also gravity’s fault, obviously! Not taking all the blame here!) Every once in a while I see these little pieces of myself, some are good and some are bad. But for the bad, I have to remind myself that I feel the same way! And I also remind myself that I can take the opportunity to reflect, and acknowledge how dumb it is to get mad at gravity. I don’t think it’s going anywhere.