Dark Harbor is taking grown-up Halloween to a whole new level!

Queen Mary Dark Harbor: The Captain
We have been attending Dark Harbor for about 7 years now, and somehow each year manages to outdo the previous one. When I hear the words “haunted house”, I typically think of B-movie level acting and predictable pop-outs. Dark Harbor is the complete opposite of cheesy and predictable.
Dark Harbor is the complete opposite of cheesy and predictable.
Imagine movie quality costumes and acting, a completely immersive haunted setting, and scare tactics unlike anything you’ve ever seen (but don’t worry, they can’t touch you.) There are 6 total mazes (including a new maze this year), and each one has a unique story and personality.
The mazes are definitely the bread and butter of Dark Harbor.
Expect some changing terrain (fog machines, stairs, swaying bridges), secret bars to search for within the mazes (don’t forget to collect tokens to get in!), and monsters that will flock to you if they smell fear.
As if the mazes weren’t enough, Dark Harbor also features live entertainment like fire dancers and aerial silk shows. There are food trucks onsite with your fav carnival foods like bacon wrapped hot dogs, popcorn, and funnel cakes. Also, there are several bars with beer, wine, and cocktails. Most of the bars had sitting areas with couches and chairs and some had bonfires to sit in front of. In general, there is a plethora of places to sit and relax if you want a break between mazes.
Dark Harbor also features live entertainment like fire dancers and aerial silk shows.

Queen Mary Dark Harbor Fire Dancing
Which brings me to my next point… Upgrades. If you purchase a general admission ticket, you’re going to have an amazing time. You still get admission to every maze, can watch every show, and can purchase any food and drinks you desire. But… you could get into the mazes more quickly, or you could skip the food trucks and get a taco bar in a more private lounge. These are the upgrades I would recommend:
But… you could get into the mazes more quickly, or you could skip the food trucks and get a taco bar in a more secluded lounge area
Upgrade to a quicker entry ticket.
I have personally never tried the Fast Fright tickets, I know they are quicker but I don’t have experience with how long the average wait is. What I do know is that the Evil Express tickets have almost no wait time.
What I do know is that the Evil Express tickets have almost no wait time.
We did all 6 mazes and did 2 of them a second time – and we basically walked right in. And we had plenty of time to spare that we used to stop at various bars. This year we were #hosted, but we did upgrade to the Evil Express last year and will never look back.
Upgrade to the RIP Lounge.

Queen Mary Dark Harbor Flying Swings from Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch
We paid for this upgrade this year and last year. For another $50/ticket, the RIP lounge includes a semi-private lounge overlooking the park, a taco bar, and 2 drink tickets. (Mixed drinks are around $15/apiece so you’re already looking at $30/person for 2 drinks.) It also has a separate portapotty which we went back to every time we needed to use the restroom – and no lines. Basically the RIP lounge was a home base for us that we could retreat to if we wanted a break (or were getting scared!)
Other tips if you are attending
Go early in the season to avoid the crowds. If you can’t do that, go early in the night. Last year we planned to arrive around 7 thinking we were “early” and still encountered a lot of traffic. I would try to get to the area by 6 if you can. You can always walk along the water and enjoy the sites while you wait.
Take the Aqualink or Aquabus to avoid road traffic. This is what we did this year. We took a Lyft to Shoreline Village and hopped on the Aquabus for only $1 each. The Aqualink is $5/each but is larger and has a bar. Both run on weekends only. Be sure the check the LB Transit website for schedules.
DO NOT wear a costume. I know it seems like costumes are usually okay at Halloween events, but remember that Dark Harbor is liable for their actors in costumes and they don’t want to get them confused with customers in costume. They have a couple events where they do allow costumes so check their website for those dates and rules. While you’re at it, check out their FAQ section.
Ask around for tokens to the secret bars! Last year, I think we managed to sneak in one behind the people in front of us who had tokens, but they were not messing around this year! We managed to find a secret bar this year and they asked both Jason and I for our tokens – luckily we each had one! They’re really fun and unique and they have signature cocktails not found at any other bars.
Expect to spend some money. Like I said before, yes you will have a great time no matter what, but your experience will be enhanced if you spring for the bells and whistles. No, they are not paying me to say this and I’m not getting a commission on your upgrades. We definitely spent enough at Dark Harbor that we could have spent the night in a nice hotel for our date night – this was WAY more fun. You won’t regret splurging here
Ask for photos with the actors! Most of them will stop to pose with you.
Have fun and let yourself get scared!