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post partum depression

Daily Life

Desperately Trying to Find My Zen

SERIOUS POST ALERT: How do you find balance between remaining informed and letting current events and politics stress you out? I usually don’t post about current events, but I’m having a hard time finding balance lately, especially since the fires have started. I want to remain vigilant and stay aware of where the fires are so we can stay safe, and I also want to be in the know so I can feel for the people affected, as I believe empathy keeps us human, but I can’t spend all my time watching California burn.
           It’s taking such a toll on me. And it’s not just the fires, it’s the political climate lately too. I want to be aware of legislation that will affect our family and people we care about, and I want to know about upcoming bills to be passed so I have the opportunity to contact our legislators, but it’s hard to take on so much worry all the time. Part of me wants to bury my head in the sand. Ignorance is bliss, right? But that isn’t the answer either.
          I think this is all made worse by the fact that I have anxiety and am still sort of in the post-partum period but this week has been especially rough for me. I have unfollowed a lot of pages on facebook that were posting fear-mongering type articles (especially the parenting ones, which shall remain nameless….), and I am avoiding all news for the last hour before bed. I also work out, eat well 75% of the time, and *try* to get enough sleep, aside from baby wake ups. I am interested in tips other moms have. How do you find this balance?