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one year old

Daily Life

Happy 1st Birthday Isabelle!!

Happy 1st Birthday baby girl! I feel like your first year has gone by a thousand times faster than Katie’s (although I guess we have been twice as busy!) It has been such a joy watching your personality develop. It’s amazing that one year ago they were pulling you out of my belly and now you are walking around, pointing and shouting at things you want, and running over when Jason and I kiss because you are becoming a little person and you want to be included in everything!

One year ago they were pulling you out of my belly and now you are walking around, pointing and shouting at things you want.

My favorite thing is watching your relationship with Katie blossom. It makes me so happy to see the bond that you two share. It cracks me up when you are crying for something and I say no, and Katie sneaks it to you anyways. That’s what siblings are for! You are still the biggest eater I’ve ever seen and I hope you continue to be a foodie (because I love food too!)

Even though you’re tiny, I know you will be mighty.

You are already climbing up on our bed and the couch and I have a feeling you might be a climber like your sister (and I might have a heart attack before I turn 35.) You are still absolutely the sweetest baby. You are so snuggly and I love when you lie your head down on me and suck your thumb. Even though you’re tiny, I know you will be mighty. (I think you have to be having a big sis like Katie!) I can’t wait to see what the next year brings and continue to watch you grow and become your own person. Happy Birthday, IB!