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needy babies

Daily Life

My Stage 5 Clinger

My sweet baby girl! It’s a beautiful burden having such an attached baby. We laugh because we had to put up the baby gate the minute Katie started crawling and we left it up until she was 18 months old. We have never put the baby gate up for Isabelle because she is never not touching me. Some days it drives me crazy. When I’m using the bathroom, when I’m trying to put on my shoes, when I’m trying to do literally anything that requires body autonomy…

When I’m using the bathroom, when I’m trying to put on my shoes, when I’m trying to do literally anything that requires body autonomy…

And it doesn’t make for an enjoyable start to the day when you’re trying to pack your kids’ lunches so you can go somewhere fun and there’s a baby screaming at your feet and tugging on your pants because you had to set them down for 5 minutes. There are times Jason holds her so I can have a break and she stares at me and cries the whole time. Does not feel like a break.

It’s sweet, it’s exhausting. Some days I want to melt, some days I want to pull my hair out.

But she’s also the snuggliest baby I’ve ever met. On the rare occasions she does walk away to play on her own, she comes back every couple minutes to climb up on my lap, lie her head on my chest, and suck her thumb for a minute before getting back down to play. (And rinse and repeat every 3 minutes until she’s done playing…) She is constantly bringing me books and curling up next to me so I can read to her and she holds on so tight when I carry her. It’s sweet, it’s exhausting. Some days I want to melt, some days I want to pull my hair out. I know it won’t last forever, but it’s definitely a different experience than when K was a baby. It’s funny how different siblings can be.