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Daily Life

Of course K likes fancy cars

“Dear Santa, I’ve been REALLY good….” Today I am thankful for the places we go as a family that are not really family places, and are still treated with kindness. K has been really into cars since the car show we attended this summer. As of late, she had started to distinguish that some cars are “fancy cars” (although she has yet to mention that perhaps Mommy’s car isn’t a fancy car, but it does have a 2000s navigation system that was probably cutting edge at the time ?.)

I have always wanted to stop at this Maserati dealership (because who wouldn’t want to check out a Maserati dealership?!) but have never really had a reason, not to mention I have no plans to make a purchase (yet ?.) Today when we passed and K shouted FANCY CARS, we stopped. The salesman asked K what color car she liked and she said red and he gave her a picture with a red Ferrari on it (which she is actually sleeping with right now.)

It was nice that he came out to greet us and treated us like regular customers even though I’m sure he knew we weren’t there to purchase. And K took a picture with almost every “fancy car” and kept saying “Turn it on! Turn it on!” It’s funny how the little things can really make a toddler’s day. Test drive next time?