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life with 2 kids

Daily Life

Happy 1st Birthday Isabelle!!

Happy 1st Birthday baby girl! I feel like your first year has gone by a thousand times faster than Katie’s (although I guess we have been twice as busy!) It has been such a joy watching your personality develop. It’s amazing that one year ago they were pulling you out of my belly and now you are walking around, pointing and shouting at things you want, and running over when Jason and I kiss because you are becoming a little person and you want to be included in everything!

One year ago they were pulling you out of my belly and now you are walking around, pointing and shouting at things you want.

My favorite thing is watching your relationship with Katie blossom. It makes me so happy to see the bond that you two share. It cracks me up when you are crying for something and I say no, and Katie sneaks it to you anyways. That’s what siblings are for! You are still the biggest eater I’ve ever seen and I hope you continue to be a foodie (because I love food too!)

Even though you’re tiny, I know you will be mighty.

You are already climbing up on our bed and the couch and I have a feeling you might be a climber like your sister (and I might have a heart attack before I turn 35.) You are still absolutely the sweetest baby. You are so snuggly and I love when you lie your head down on me and suck your thumb. Even though you’re tiny, I know you will be mighty. (I think you have to be having a big sis like Katie!) I can’t wait to see what the next year brings and continue to watch you grow and become your own person. Happy Birthday, IB!

Daily Life

1 Year Ago today…. 39 weeks pregnant with Isabelle

What a difference a year can make! Here I am 39 weeks pregnant with Isabelle! 1 year ago right around this time, I was having my c section. I remember driving there and being so full of worry. Partly about the surgery and recovery, but also about what a new baby would mean to our family. How could I love another baby as much as I love Katie? How would Katie feel about our new family member? Would my relationship with Katie change? Was I selfish for bringing another baby into our family and forcing Katie to split the attention? How on earth would I manage 2 kids?!

How could I love another baby as much as I love Katie? How would Katie feel about our new family member? Would my relationship with Katie change? 

It’s so funny looking back now. Even in the beginning, it felt partly like Isabelle was brand new, but also like she had always been a part of our family. Yes, the girls fight over toys sometimes and there are days where it seems like someone is always crying, but watching them roll around together laughing reminds me that having them was the best thing that has ever happened to me. The days can be long and hectic, but my heart is always full. And just as these worries from last year are gone, I try to remember my present worries are not so big that they won’t be gone this time next year too.

Daily Life

K helping out with Belles

Today I am thankful for how helpful K is with Isabelle. (Note: this is not something I am thankful for ALL the time… ?.) It goes without saying that having 2 kids is more difficult than 1 kid for all the obvious reasons, but there are times it’s easier too.

When you have 1 baby, you are responsible for all of their needs and they need stuff all the time. Most helpless creatures ever ?. Having someone else to make them laugh when they are crying takes some of the burden off of you to be responsible for all of their entertainment. (And babies don’t quite understand “Go play.” … Come to think of it, neither do toddlers.) Having someone grab a diaper during a blowout allows you to attend to the poopy mess without worrying about making it into a traveling mess. Because poop ? in one spot is better than poop in all the spots.

And even though we are encouraging Isabelle to feed herself, it’s pretty darn cute when K feeds her bites. And Belles really appreciates it because feeding yourself is hard work! It makes me feel like they’re partners in crime already and K is helping sneak her bites when Jason and I aren’t looking. Watching your kids bond is a pretty amazing experience ?.