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kind people in the world

Daily Life

The case of the missing skeleton

Today I am thankful for kind people!! K’s beloved skeleton fell out of the stroller on the way home from the park on Friday. She was so bummed and we walked all the way back looking for him but he didn’t turn up. He was originally a Dollar Tree decoration I bought last year and K fell in love with him and he has been going everywhere with us for months (he even sat on the plane to Michigan with us .) I (correctly) assumed Dollar Tree had already put all their Halloween decorations away but called Saturday just to check.
A nice lady named Irene told me that they had been put away and also had all the Christmas stuff stacked in front of/on top of them but that if I called Monday, she would see what she could do. I called back today and she went through the warehouse and climbed up and got the skeleton box down for us so we went and bought 5 new ones! This photo is K’s face as she saw Irene unboxing the skeletons. It was so kind of her to go above and beyond to do this for us. She absolutely could have just said “Sorry, they’re all put away.” We’re so grateful to have Skeleton(s) back and that there are wonderful people in the world who are willing to go out of their way to make others smile ?#30daysofthankfulness