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Warrior Dash 2018

Dual caption: You know he loves you when…. / ….this is life with kids.  We had such a blast today doing the Warrior Dash together! I loved the fact that we did it as a couple and it was such a fun bonding experience for the two of us! Crawling through the mud together was a first! I like that this event was good for all skills levels. It was enough of a challenge for me, as someone who works out a lot, but was still achievable for Jason, who works out occasionally.

We climbed walls, we army crawled under barbed wire, and we waded through mud pits. It was a great course for a group, for families, or even solo. And then we finished and did a smooch for the camera and got photobombed by Katie, which is pretty much our lives! I almost cropped her out, but you know what? This is us! Even when you do things without your kids, the kids are with you. You can’t escape them! We had such a great time and they even had a kid’s obstacle course! We will definitely be returning next year!!

Use my promo WDPARENTDAZE for $5 off registration in 2018.  Here is the link to their site.

Opinion Pieces

Lessons from Toddlers: Getting What You Want in Life

K Pirate face

“Mommy, tickle me!  No, not my tummy, tickle my back.  Tickle faster!  Now tickle sloooow.”  *Toddler giggles ensue*. Does this sound familiar to anyone?  Do you ever notice how toddlers seem to get everything they want?  I mean, assuming it’s safe, reasonable, and not too costly?

Do you ever notice how toddlers seem to get everything they want?

Now what about this scenario:  “Hey, girlfriend, I’m going out with my friends.  Is that cool?”  “Sure, boyfriend.  I don’t care.  Do whatever you want.”  *Angry seething ensues*. Has anyone also been there?

The second scenario was teenage me.  I expected my then-boyfriend to be a mind-reader and got mad when I didn’t get what I wanted.  This led to a very confused boyfriend.  “You said it was okay?”  (No, I wasn’t a complete psycho and this wasn’t something that happened ALL the time, but it definitely happened occasionally.  I was young, don’t judge me.)

“Mom, stop singing.”

The first scenario is where I strive to be.  Perhaps a little less demanding… But if you look at toddlers, you always know what they want.  Because they ALWAYS tell you.  “Mom, stop singing.”  “I don’t want to take a bath.”  “Sharing makes me sad.”

Saying what you want isn’t always easy.  Especially at first.  It makes me feel needy to utter phrases like “I need attention” or “I’m having a hard time today.”  And no one likes to feel needy.  But what’s worse than worrying about how you potentially look to others is never getting what you want because you don’t speak up.

It makes me feel needy to utter phrases like “I need attention.”

There is definitely a downside to this.  Sometimes you put yourself out there, but the answer is no.  Just like we have to tell our kids no.  Sometimes you may be in the middle of a meltdown, call your significant other at work and tell them you desperately need them (ahem, K’s colic days…  dark times…), and they have a meeting or can’t talk for some other reason.  But even if that happens some of the time, is it better to never ask?  And shoulder every burden alone?

Sometimes you put yourself out there, but the answer is no.

I’m not perfect and I still have not mastered this 100%. But being upfront as often as possible, especially with people I care about, is where I strive to be.  It’s how you get the love you deserve, it’s how you get raises, and people respect a straight-shooter. 

Demanding women are “bitchy” and demanding men are “go-getters.”

It’s especially hard for women to master this because we are expected to be pleasant and agreeable. (I know these old-timey views are changing but they still absolutely affect gender-roles today.). Demanding women are “bitchy” and demanding men are “go-getters.”  But shouldn’t we all strive to be go-getters?  How else are we supposed to get what we want if we don’t go get it?

Daily Life

Through the eyes of a child

It’s so funny how spending time with a child changes the way you look at things. I probably passed these things a thousand times without looking through them when K was a baby. Now that she’s old enough, she wants to look through them every time we pass them. What’s funny is now I look through them too, even when she isn’t with me.

I feel like being around her makes me appreciate the beauty around me more. I look up at the clouds and the leaves in the trees (I feel like I never used to look up!), I squat down to get a better view of flowers and bugs, I even started appreciating all the different types of transportation more. Before kids I would have spent my drives being annoyed with traffic and never would have thought, “Wow, today I saw 2 tankers, a fire truck, and a garbage truck! How cool is that?!”

It’s no wonder toddlers and babies sleep so much, noticing everything is like sensory overload! When I listen to K point out not only objects but the colors and shapes that make up those objects and the letters or numbers on them, I can’t believe the details I overlook in every day life. Don’t get me wrong, of course there is a time and place and it only makes sense that us adults overlook those things. Can you imagine trying to navigate your way to a new destination while also noticing every color and shape and letter around you? It would be impossible! (And also probably why it takes toddlers so long to get from Point A to Point B .)

But, when it’s safe and you have the time, there is really nothing better than looking at things through a toddler’s eyes. It’s truly magical.

Daily Life

All the WHY Questions

Oh, the joys of toddlerhood… One minute you’re prancing around holding Dad’s hand, and the next you are falling apart because you suddenly decided you NEEDED ice but shockingly, no one had any on them. The power struggles are out of control lately! I swear K asks for stuff she doesn’t even want just so she can fall apart when we say we don’t have it! And don’t even get me started on the questions…

The “why” I can handle. If my little one has genuine questions, I will answer “why” all day long and if I don’t know the answer, I am happy to google. I will never say no to knowledge. The questions I’m talking about are the ones the repeat over and over and over even after you answer. “Where are we going?” “Home.” “Where are we going?” “Home.” “Where are we going?” “…..Still home.” Does anyone else’s toddler do this?!

If someone described this scenario before I had kids, I would have laughed. It doesn’t sound that bad, right? But omg after answering the same question ten times, and answering 50 other questions ten times, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!

Part of me wonders is it a control thing? Are they trying to see how many times they can get something out of us that they don’t even need? (Because that sounds like a sociopath to me….) Or are they trying to initiate a conversation but have nothing new to say? I like to think the latter, but when I try to change topics and actually have a conversation, I get asked the same question again. Or is it something else entirely? Who else is dealing with this and what do you do? Or am I just a terrible mom for being annoyed by this? 

Daily Life

Honest Motherhood

#honestmotherhood … (well, except the words on the flash cards ?. Jason snapped this pic when I was only kind-of sort-of ready. As much as I want to pretend my tiny genius can read, we are doing the other side of the cards – letters and numbers, not words.) So I’m bouncing one in the carrier and doing flash cards with the other while I try to enjoy a post-hike beer. And I can’t help but think of when I was pregnant with K and Jason and I would say how after she was born we were going to get sitters ALL THE TIME and still go clubbing and go to bars ?.

It’s funny because I still hear first-time moms say this when they’re pregnant (and I don’t want to be that person to correct them because I think everyone needs to come to terms with their new roles as parents on their own.) But the truth is, it’s not that you CAN’T go clubbing when you’re a mom as long as you have a sitter; it’s that MOST of the time, you don’t really want that anymore.

While we do still like to go out for a drink sometimes, we prefer early happy hours where we can also grab dinner or appetizers for the kids (or brunch. Omg whoever invented brunch, I love you.) Not to mention we pretty much have to take up the entire table with 50 toys to occupy the kids long enough to each have one beer. Oh and don’t forget passing the baby back and forth ?. Because whoever is holding the baby pretty much cannot sip their beer. But at the same time, I wouldn’t trade it for anything else. Sprawling out across a high-top table with markers, crayons, flashcards, French fries, and a couple of brewery beers with my amazing family ranks amongst one of the best Saturday nights of all time ?

Daily Life

Feeling really overwhelmed lately

Taking a much needed poke bowl break (and apparently Belles likes her poke with a side of puffs .) Seriously though, I love eating with Belles because it’s one of the few times I feel like I can relax around her (other than when she’s sleeping) because I know the only thing she’s putting in her mouth is food! I remembered that newborns are hard but somehow forgot that having a mobile baby is a full-time job because everything goes in their mouths!
        Yes, she’s adorable and I love spending the day with her but it’s also exhausting following her around making sure she doesn’t find a carpet fiber or a penny or small toy that K left out. No matter how much you vacuum, or how much you baby-proof, they always find something! And even though it isn’t work per se, the fact that you can’t take your eyes off of them can be draining sometimes. And watching the baby every waking moment means EVERY other thing can only be done when baby naps.
      So cleaning, laundry, dishes, dinner prep, shower, relaxing (HA! What’s that?), it all has to be squeezed into a couple hours! And if I recall correctly, this phase lasts oh, about a year  I know in a couple months it will improve (and maybe she’ll only put 50% of the objects she finds in her mouth), but in the mean time it’s tough. I know, I know, cleaning can wait, sheets can be washed a little less frequently, and yes, these moments are fleeting. I just needed to rant a little today. But it’s also Friday so help will be here soon in the form of Daddy . And it’s almost beer-o’clock ? So, #breatheandrelease


Daily Life

Parent Teacher Conferences

When did she become such a little grown up?! Carrying her own backpack and drinking out of a cup and asking “why?” about Every. Single. Thing. We had parent-teacher conferences yesterday (I know… and she isn’t even 3 ) and I kind of had an idea about how things would go. I spend every second with K so I thought I knew everything about her development and what she still struggles with.
        I was pleasantly surprised about how well her teacher said she behaves at school (and much better than at home for Mom ?!) She sits in her seat most of the time (but wanders a little at lunch) and rarely throws tantrums. She still cries (fake cries) quite a bit, and much more than her peers (because she’s a little actress…) but less than before. Actually her teacher said yesterday was the first day she made it all day without crying but then when we went to pick her up when the conference was over, she was crying when we got there  Almost made it!
           Her teacher also mentioned several times how “independent” K is, along with words like “spirited”, “strong”, etc. Jason and I always laugh because we know it’s code for “You got one of the hard ones!!”, but we also know strong children become strong adults who can change the world! (At least that’s what we tell ourselves when we’re mad she thinks it’s okay to run 50 feet away from us without so much as a single look back as we chase her screaming her name ?.)
          We still need to work on her recognizing her name in writing but I found out she can count to 29, which surprised me. At home she stops at 13 and says she doesn’t know what comes next! For someone who is so independent about everything else, it’s kind of funny she’s been keeping an extra 16 numbers under wraps when she’s counting in front of us ?.
         Overall I left pretty much beaming. Not about her counting or other milestones – the school is not focused on academics and neither are we at this point, but about the kind words her teacher said about her. She seems to really love K, and “spirited” or not, she loves her spunky personality and her zest for life. It’s a good feeling when other people see what you see in your kids. You feel like you must be doing something right.


Daily Life

K’s Dance Recital!

Today was K’s dance recital – and what a helluva day it was! I realized around 11 that K’s dance shoes are in my cupholder in my car… and my car’s in the shop… roughly an hour away. We had to be at the recital at 345 and we were leaving school for the day around 145. There was no way to get to my car in time so we went to 2 different Targets looking for ballet shoes.
       We found something that looked similar enough to ballet shoes and left Target around 230 and still had to go home, change into her leotard, and get back for the recital. We made it with 5 minutes to spare and after a few minutes of walking around in her new shoes, K decide she didn’t want to wear shoes anyways ?. Surprisingly, even though the recital is in a different room than class (which K had a mild meltdown about) and even though her regular teacher was absent today (which K seemed to somehow not notice), and even with no shoes, she went out and did a great job.
          When we started this class in September, I had to get special permission for K to start because she wasn’t quite 2 and a half. The next 5 weeks K spent most of her class time sliding around the floor on her belly. I wondered if she was too young, or if I pushed her into it. She always said she was having fun though so we persisted. Halfway through the 5th week, K joined in! And she started loving it! At the start of class, I never for a second thought that by January she would be ready and willing to go out and perform for us. But she totally rocked it and I am so proud! ?