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honest mom blog about life with 2 kids

Daily Life

Is it Important for Your Child to Fit in?

Who else is dreading the day their kid starts to care what their peers think? So far we have been pretty lucky that K marches to the beat of her own drum. To be fair, she doesn’t care what I think either, and that has been a challenge at times. But I also love that she’s her own person.

To be fair, she doesn’t care what I think either

Here she is at school on pajama day – the only kid in footed jammies for the second year in a row. And with orange shoes, of course. After last year, I wondered if she would realize that her peers all have footless jammies with princesses or other characters on them. I thought perhaps she would want that too. So much so, that I even secretly put a spare pair of jammies in her backpack in case she felt out of place and gave her teacher a heads up in private (though I would obviously never say anything to K to dissuade her from being her own person.)

I even secretly put a spare pair of jammies in her backpack in case she felt out of place

What a fool I was to worry! She routinely goes to school wearing 2 different shoes, she boldly announces her likes and dislikes despite what her peers like and dislike, and she rocks these wild curls with style. Do I wish she was tamer and more obedient? Occasionally.

Do I wish she was tamer and more obedient? Occasionally.

Some day, getting her dressed is like wrestling an alligator. Some days her hair is so in her face because she refused a ponytail and I wonder how she can even see. We try to enforce rules that are safety related (because she breaks so many of those that if we started dictating what she wore and ate, we would be fighting every second of every day.)

It took me until I was damn near 30 to stop caring what people think.

With all the difficulties that come with a strong-willed child, I’m proud that K is her own person. It took me until I was damn near 30 to stop caring what people think. I’m sure she may regress and care a little more in her adolescent years, but in the mean time, I’m here to encourage her to be her own person. And I think having a footed-jammie-wearing, curly little lady that wears an upsidedown super hero mask to brunch is pretty awesome.

Daily Life

Fall is a Time to Slow Down

It feels like November! Does anyone else love when it gets dark early? I’ll admit it makes me a little lazier, but there’s something about the earlier nights that make me want to slow down in a good way. We do less running around than we do in the summer, and that leaves more time for lazy family evenings. Last night we put on pj’s around 5 o’clock – Jason wasn’t even home from work yet!

Does anyone else love when it gets dark early?

I sat on my bed with the girls and we read for a little bit and then I tried to teach K to play Sonic, like the original Sonic for Sega.  It was a cute and exhausting endeavor. “You gotta jump up there! Push right! No, hold right and push jump! No, push them at the same time!” Then after dinner, we made popcorn and watched kids’ Christmas songs until bed time. It was so nice to kick back and have no agenda. Don’t get me wrong, I love the warm summer nights, the concerts in the park, the music festivals… but when DST hits, I’m ready. (Only figuratively, because we literally forgot it was even happening this year until the morning after. #fail)

I’m excited for extra snuggles under fuzzy blankets, winter lagers, and family jammies.

When someone asks my favorite season, a lot of times I answer whatever season we’re currently in, because it just feels right at the time. I love summer for summer, obviously. But also fall with the cooler weather and Halloween and apple cider. Now that we’re approaching winter, I’m excited for extra snuggles under fuzzy blankets, winter lagers, family jammies (yup, I totally ordered us family jammies), and all of the upcoming holidays for the next few months. And of course everything in the slow cooker! I love coming home to the smell of a hearty meal that’s already made for me! I’ve been working on living in the moment more, and I think maybe November is exactly what I need right now.