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gendered toys

Daily Life

Gender Roles in the Home

Do you have traditional gender roles in your house? We are kind of mixed over here. I am the one who builds things and puts air in the tires, and I also cook and do the dishes. Jason cleans more often than I do (because he is way more efficient than I am), he works outside the home, and he handles all the computer/electronics problems (“Babe!! The internet is broke again!”) I shop for groceries and Jason usually shops for toiletries. Monday-Wed Jason wakes up with the girls and does breakfast and gets them dressed while I relax or work out, and then Thurs-Sun I get up with them so he can sleep in.

We don’t call anything “girl jobs” or “boy jobs” in our house

We don’t call anything “girl jobs” or “boy jobs” in our house, and I think the girls are really absorbing that from us. It makes me happy to see Katie play with tools AND help me cook AND play with dinosaurs AND pretend to feed her doll. I want my girls to know they can become doctors or firefighters or chefs or teachers. That they can be moms or not be moms. That they can do math and yoga and learn to weld and also to sew. That they are smart and courageous and worth more than their looks, but that it’s also okay if they love makeup and fashion. I want to raise strong women, and every day I try to show them that they can be anything they want to be.