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flying with baby

Daily Life

Home for 2 days and then Hawaii bound!

Home sweet home! At least for the next 40 hours or so until we leave for Hawaii! We are already missing the snow and my family but it feels good to be back. And before I started unpacking and repacking, we headed out for a short hike. We really needed to get out and connect with nature and do a mental reset because traveling yesterday was rough!
        We were stuck on the runway for an hour and a half while they deiced the plane, the kids were exhausted because it was nap time, and then we arrived in LA to find our stroller in pieces… so we are awaiting a call from Delta about reimbursement and will hopefully hear back this week. I got a couple groceries this morning to get us through today and tomorrow and am starting to feel a little bit settled in (for now!) Kids are napping so I’m taking the opportunity to eat a salad (first healthy food I’ve had in weeks and my body feels confused ) and get organized before I finalize my packing list!


Daily Life

Christmas Michigan Trip – airport drama and our potty training solutions

11 hours after first arriving at the airport, we made it to our destination. There were quite a few tears (mostly from me ?), and we were very fortunate that my inlaws came to the airport and were able to get gate passes to help with the girls for a few while I relaxed and ate a sandwich (and had a beer?!) After multiple delays, we got on the plane 6 hours after getting to the airport (and an hour after nap time.)

By some terrible miracle, neither of the girls napped on the plane ?. Not even for a minute. Isabelle has never completely skipped an afternoon nap before so needless to say, she was pretty miserable. As was I, and probably everyone around us. In addition, her congestion was causing her to have trouble nursing so she was hungry (and not excited about the pb sandwich I brought her which is normally her fav!) So, she cried on and off most of the flight.

K held my hand a lot during the flight, which looks adorable, but made it pretty hard to bounce Belles at the same time. K was actually really well-behaved considering, just bored and over tired. And of course she only wore the brand new Minnie Mouse headphones that SHE picked out to watch maybe 8 minutes of Moana on the tv in the headrest ?.

Most of the time I love that she doesn’t really like tv… yesterday was not one of those times. The good news is she pooped in both the airport potty and the airplane potty so we are making with that! It turns out K having the stomach flu earlier this week was actually a blessing in disguise. Apparently pooping 8 times a day for 3 days really helps you get used to the potty. And now that everything is said and done, we made it to Michigan and are so excited to spend Christmas with my family!! 

Even though I know being stuck at an airport with kids because we have the good fortune of being able to travel to see my family for the holidays is the ultimate first world problem, it was a hard day for us all.