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family hikes

Daily Life

First Hike of the Season

First hike of the season! We probably should have waited a couple more weeks because it was HOT and we ran out of water for the last (and hardest) mile, but it felt so good to be back out there! The kids didn’t notice the water was gone (maybe because they were the ones who drank it all and were already hydrated) but Jason and I were struggling!

We work out much less in the summer because it’s just too hot.

We work out much less in the summer because it’s just too hot. Jason started swimming recently but I have been l-a-z-y! And lazy fitness for me also means lazier eating, less motivation, and not feeling as good mentally. I’m happy that the weather is cooling down and I will be able to jog and hike more frequently again. (Yes, I know I could suck it up and still do things in the summer, but I hate being miserable during a workout.)

It’s steep (about 700 feet up in 3/4 of a mile) but it’s short (just under 3.5 miles)

We definitely started the season with a bang going straight to Car Wreck. It’s steep (about 700 feet up in 3/4 of a mile) but it’s short (just under 3.5 miles) so we can still do it with the kids. K can hike and climb on her own and then we take turns with IB in the carrier (which sucks on the up.) Already feeling better having gotten our first hike under my belt though and excited for more to come! Hopefully we’ll get some nice 65 degree days soon. Who else loves hiking?!