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dealing with a toddler

Daily Life

Realizing how alike my kids are

Play time with the girls

When I got pregnant with Isabelle, everyone told me how siblings are so different from each other. It made me a little sad because I love Katie so much, how could I love her opposite? But also, I thought, maybe I wouldn’t mind a quiet baby who thumbs through books independently while I’m cooking dinner and doesn’t stomp through the living room like Godzilla (not pointing any fingers…)

I love Katie so much, how could I love her opposite?

In some ways, Isabelle is different. She likes to be held more, she sleeps when she’s tired no matter where she is, and she’s also a lot smaller so she can’t get into nearly as much stuff as K could at this age. (Throwback to the time K got into a reed diffuser and I had to call poison control.) But the similarities end there. Every day, Isabelle gets a little louder, a little more daring, and tries just a little harder to keep up with Katie.

Every day, Isabelle gets a little louder, a little more daring, and tries just a little harder to keep up with Katie.

Today she did her first “hike” on her own 2 feet. We took her on the quarter mile trail to see how she would do. (And see how much patience Mom had trying to keep her on the trail the whole time…) She thought she was the coolest! She loved chasing lizards and running after Katie, and of course trying to hang upside-down like Katie… (Any guesses on how old I’ll be before my first heart attack?…) Watching the girls have fun together was such a joy and I can’t wait until Isabelle is old enough to listen better and can all go on longer hikes. I’m so lucky to have 2 little ladies who love adventure as much as I do.

Daily Life

Katie is growing up

She’s such a young lady now! I can’t believe how much her language has exploded in the past 6 months and it’s really cute watching her try out new phrases. I assume she heard “that’s not fair” at school recently because she said it when she was having a hard time turning on her scooter yesterday. Apparently gravity is so unjust! Jason and I tried to explain to her what “fair” actually means, but she wasn’t interested at the time. She’ll get it…

Jason and I tried to explain to her what “fair” actually means, but she wasn’t interested at the time. 

She’s also been seeking out conversations with kids her age and I love watching her initiate them. It’s usually something like “Hey, you guys are big kids. I’m a big kid too.” Then she asks their names or how old they are and tries to compliment them like, “Oh, your name is John? THAT’S SUPER COOL!” With oh-so-much enthusiasm.

I try to remember that with all the struggles we have raising a toddler, she’s also struggling trying to find her place in the world.

I try to remember that with all the struggles we have raising a toddler, she’s also struggling trying to find her place in the world. Everything is new to her and her developing language is opening up relationships for her in a new way. It’s pretty impressive when you think about it. But that doesn’t mean things have been easy lately. K is about 90% done with her naps and I’m trying to juggle work, watching both girls, keeping up the house, making dinner, etc.

It’s hard now that I’m missing the time she used to nap, and even harder because a non-napped toddler is not the most pleasant to be around come 6 o’clock. 

It’s hard now that I’m missing the time she used to nap, and even harder because a non-napped toddler is not the most pleasant to be around come 6 o’clock. Like I want to lock myself in the bathroom with a bottle of wine. And my computer so I can squeeze in some work! We are headed to Michigan tomorrow morning so it will be a nice change of pace for all of us and we are super excited to see my Michigan family and friends! And there is nothing in the world like a Michigan summer! I guess I wasn’t really going anywhere with this post, just some rambling I needed to get off my chest. Wish us luck on the flight and with packing. We’ll be in the mitten soon!