Today I am thankful for how helpful K is with Isabelle. (Note: this is not something I am thankful for ALL the time… ?.) It goes without saying that having 2 kids is more difficult than 1 kid for all the obvious reasons, but there are times it’s easier too.
When you have 1 baby, you are responsible for all of their needs and they need stuff all the time. Most helpless creatures ever ?. Having someone else to make them laugh when they are crying takes some of the burden off of you to be responsible for all of their entertainment. (And babies don’t quite understand “Go play.” … Come to think of it, neither do toddlers.) Having someone grab a diaper during a blowout allows you to attend to the poopy mess without worrying about making it into a traveling mess. Because poop
? in one spot is better than poop in all the spots.
And even though we are encouraging Isabelle to feed herself, it’s pretty darn cute when K feeds her bites. And Belles really appreciates it because feeding yourself is hard work! It makes me feel like they’re partners in crime already and K is helping sneak her bites when Jason and I aren’t looking. Watching your kids bond is a pretty amazing experience ?.