We were 20 minutes early to school today, which meant I got both kids fed and changed and packed and out of the house by 815! I even got Katie’s hair brushed (because I told her they wouldn’t let her into school if we didn’t brush it. Also yes, this is what brushed looks like). I got her changed and dressed while Belles cried, which meant Jason came out of the room to look at me pointedly every minute or 2 (does he think I left? Or am ignoring her for no reason?)
We left 45 minutes before we needed to be there so we could walk at Katie pace a quarter mile to my car (because street sweeping) and I even remembered a bag of coins for Tzedakah, which is OPTIONAL (overachiever right here). When we got there I told K she needed to give me her sassy (because no pacifiers allowed at school… okay so I’ve been lying to my kid all morning), but she was cool with it. She got her shoes a little wet in the puddle next to the fountain (whatever) and then I realized her 3T shorts were too big and

Breastfeeding, working, and eating lunch
they’re doing a bounce house today, but I had a spare outfit in her backpack (Win!) and we had time to get her changed because we were so early (and yet another win!) Oh and also no tears at drop off! Pretty much feeling like I won the mom Olympics this morning.
“No pacifiers allowed at school” … Okay so I’ve been lying to my kid all morning.
I was also able to get some work done while K was at school. Belles was fussing so putting her in the carrier and standing to work was the only way. You do what you gotta do! And one of these days she’ll have to start sleeping on somewhat of a schedule, right? Right?! Here I am trying to do a call for work, breastfeed, and eat lunch (okay it was string cheese and turkey lunch meat.)

Movies at the beach solo!
And for the best part of my day! I got a night out! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Harry Potter but hadn’t gotten around to seeing Fantastic Beasts yet so tonight Jason watched the girls so I could watch at the beach, kid-free. And it was one of those days where a break from the kids could not have come at a better time! I got myself some poke, I brought chips and popcorn to snack on, and I brought a big fat piece of cake for dessert. AND I was able to stay awake the whole time.