12 hours after leaving this morning, we are home from Catalina Island! I had been wanting to go lately so I thought we should take the opportunity to do it before K turns 3 and we have to pay for her. It was weird packing up to be on an island!
For some reason I felt like we needed way more stuff being a ferry-ride away from home instead of a car ride
For some reason I felt like we needed way more stuff being a ferry-ride away from home instead of a car ride, but I also didn’t want to have to carry 50 lbs of stuff all day in addition to carrying Isabelle – especially because we wanted to hike. So I stressed about it a little bit, but in the end it all worked out, as it always does.
We had an amazing time, we spent too much money, we saw a pod of dolphins on the boat ride there, we hiked our longest hike together, the kids fell apart (like, so bad), we played at the beach, we watched the fish, the kids fell apart again…
Everyone was staring at me and I totally wanted to cry.
Actually on the boat ride back K was losing it so bad the ferry staff went and got the stroller so I could strap her in to keep her from going into the roped off area. Everyone was staring at me and I totally wanted to cry. When we were getting off the boat a few people stopped me and told me they’ve been there… And then on the ride home, K couldn’t stop talking about how much fun she had and how bad she wants to go back. Not anytime soon, kiddo. I am exhausted!
Of course now I’m telling myself it wasn’t as bad as I thought.
She went to bed as soon as we got back and of course now I’m telling myself it wasn’t as bad as I thought. Denial! Overall, the good outweighed the bad. We had a great time and it was a nice little getaway for the day

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