Daily Life

Shopping and crying

I did all my father’s day shopping online so I didn’t have to bring both girls to a store but we still needed to go get cards. So today we walked to rite aid and as soon as I got to the card aisle, Belles started crying. I picked her up under one arm like a football while I looked at cards with the other hand. Just as I chose a card, Katie took a dump. So now I’m trying to take her to the bathroom to change her with a still crying Belles under my arm. I’m pushing the stroller with my other arm and Katie is trailing behind us touching everything she passes and I’m yelling back for her to stop and we get close to the bathroom and I realize the double stroller isn’t going to fit through the door. I manage to herd Katie over to the register with Belles and the stroller, pay for my card, and head to the parking lot to change K standing up.

I’m pushing the stroller with my other arm and Katie is trailing behind us touching everything she passes and I’m yelling back for her to stop

At this point I can tell by how Belles is crying that she’s hungry so that takes priority over the diaper. So I start feeding Belles in the parking lot with one arm while trying to keep K close with the other, Belles is latching and unlatching and milk is getting everywhere and Katie is staring at me saying “Katie poop!” over and over. Yes, I know you pooped, you need to wait. Finally Belles is done eating and I set her down in the stroller but she starts crying again. Sorry Belles, now it’s your turn to wait. I start trying to change K standing up and she’s confused and keeps trying to lie down in the dirty parking lot. And now the poop is everywhere because K has been walking with her poop diaper for 15 minutes. I manage to get her cleaned up, we go back to the street and find a trash can for the diaper, and start heading home.

Belles is latching and unlatching and milk is getting everywhere and Katie is staring at me saying “Katie poop!” over and over.

K starts crying bc she’s out of goldfish. We get close to home and a dog darts across the road and starts running around in traffic. I get scared and start crying. We bump into Jason leaving the store and he sees all 3 of us crying. He got us some stuff for lunch and helped us unpack and get inside, I fed Belles again, put on a movie for K, and now it’s somewhat quiet and no one is crying.

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