Daily Life

Parenting Makes you say Crazy Things

I got the girls fed and dressed in swim clothes and I packed up practically everything we own and Jason picked up a pizza… and we got to the pool at it was closed! So I told K we could still go home and do the beach bc she was all excited for swimming. And of course our first day of fall ?? weather that I was so excited about this morning did not make for a good beach evening. It was a little chilly for me but K didn’t seem to mind. Going to the beach seemed to be enough to make up for not swimming ?‍♂️ so we stayed and played for a while until we left because K threw sand in Belles’ face. Twice. (Seriously, it was one of THOSE days. Tantrum after tantrum and lots of tears. Mostly from me…)

Tantrum after tantrum and lots of tears. Mostly from me.

We went home and gave poor Belles a bath and put her to bed and then Jason gave K a bath too (but washed her hair without taking out her braids? ? Dads do things differently…) And now K is in bed and I’m reflecting back on the day like holy shit, momming is no joke. Some days are really really hard. Some days your kid only listens to 10% of what you tell them and it’s so hard to remember they’re only kids and not get upset.

Like if one of your adult friends intentionally threw sand in someone’s face, you probably wouldn’t be friends with them anymore.

Like if one of your adult friends intentionally threw sand in someone’s face, you probably wouldn’t be friends with them anymore. But then you have a kid and they do it and you can’t even get mad and you definitely can’t hold a grudge. You just have to be like “Hey! ? That wasn’t very nice! We don’t throw sand in people’s faces!” (And just hearing yourself say it outloud you’re like am I really saying this? This is something I say now?) And then your kid says “why not?” And you say “because it’s not nice and it hurts ? people!” And then they say “why?” and you’re like “Idk, sand is little and gets in eyes and mouths and it stings and doesn’t taste good.” And this process continues until you say “BECAUSE I SAY SO!” and then your toddler forgets what they did literally before you are even done cleaning up the mess so you aren’t allowed to be mad anymore and sometimes you kind of want to be. But then they go to bed and the house is quiet and you see how sweet ? they look when they’re sleeping and you tell yourself it’s not so hard.

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