Daily Life


Well, well, well! Apparently walking isn’t so hard when your sister is halfway across the Converse store with the goldfish crackers. There I was, trying on a pair of shoes, and all of a sudden I look up and see IB walk like 30 steps all the way across the store to get to Katie! I was seriously shocked. She only walks when we aren’t looking! So of course I tried to stand her up to get her to do it again so I could record it and her legs appeared not to be working. They just fell out from under her (#faker).

So then I came up with an evil plan to have Katie step away with the goldfish again. (Seriously evil, I know. If you have your sound on, you can hear IB whimpering the saddest sounds as I record her. #meanestmom). But lo and behold, the goldfish were worth it. She got up and walked over to Katie again. Not quite as long as her earlier walk, but just as casual, like she does all the time. Any bets on how long she’ll stick with her “I can’t walk” routine?

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