Opinion Pieces

I take my kids outside because I’m lazy

I take my kids all types of places with me.  I get a ton of compliments on it too.  “Good for you for doing all this stuff with your kids!  It’s a lot of work!”  You know what?  It IS a lot of work.  Packing up while one is screaming and the other is asking for every toy/clothes item/food that I put into our bag; getting the carseat, stroller, and diapers for everyone; making sure both kids are fed and changed and ready at the same time…  But you know what’s harder for me?  Being inside all day with 2 kids who are bored.  It’s so much easier for me to deal with them outside and here’s why:

  1. Outside is entertaining.  There’s so much to do and touch and look at!  This means that I’m not always having to entertain them which is less mental work for me.  Plus if the kids are busy, I get a few moments alone to be with my thoughts.  I still have to tend to them physically, but I get somewhat of a mental break.
  2. Outside wears them out.  This means better naps.  And everyone likes better naps.

    Katie climbing on the playground

  3. Outside diffuses the noise.  Yelling, crying, whining, all of this noise kind of floats away.  Inside the noise echoes around and slowly drives me crazy.  I don’t know how I would have dealt with K’s colic if I couldn’t bring her outside.  Not to mention that there is less crying to diffuse when we’re outside because there’s so much to look at.  (See number 1)
  4. Outside is different.  A new bug, a new flower, new clouds…  it’s all new and different.  And different is fun for kids.  Plus plenty of learning opportunities.
  5. Outside gives them a chance to miss their toys.  No matter how many toys your kid has, they’ll get bored with them if they are with them day after day.  Spending some time away from their toys helps kids appreciate them more when they get home.
  6. You can squeeze in your own exercise.  Walking, jogging, chasing your kid around the park… You get all the benefits of 1-5 plus a bonus for yourself.  Because exercise is hard to fit in when you’re a mom!

So there you go.  Next time you are feeling a little crazy after too many days stuck inside with the kids, pack up and head out for a few hours.  It’s totally worth it.

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