Daily Life

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I am thankful for these 2 healthy beautiful girls! I have been thinking a lot about the pregnancy I lost lately… I really thought the feelings would disappear after Isabelle was born, and the fact that they haven’t makes me feel guilty sometimes. I mean, she wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t lost the pregnancy before her.

But even though the drs couldn’t say why I lost my second pregnancy, they suspected it was a blighted ovum, and would likely not have been a viable pregnancy or if it was, the baby may not have been healthy. I say this about Isabelle and not Katie because I wasn’t as worried about something going wrong with K – it was my first pregnancy, nothing had gone wrong before, and I was so terrified about the thought of a new baby that miscarriage rarely crossed my mind. With Isabelle, it was all I could think about.

But, I digress, as the focus on this post is about the positive. I am just so grateful to have these 2 healthy and happy children. It is astounding to me that it takes so long to grow a child and the cells have to replicate so many times… HOW is it that it goes exactly as planned this many times to make this many healthy babies?! Isn’t it amazing? To create a child that walks and talks and smiles and has 2 arms and 2 legs, we really don’t marvel at it enough. There’s a reason they call it the miracle of life; it’s truly nothing short of a miracle.

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