Daily Life

Happy 8 Months Isabelle!!

It’s not every day you turn 8 months in Hawaii !! This month has been full of changes for Isabelle. She recently started cruising  and is chatting up a storm (which means this time next year, we are going to have a very noisy house between her and her sister… okay, and maybe Mom too .)
        Her mode of floor transportation has evolved from a weird combination of short crawls/rolls/scoots/lunges to a still-weird crawl/bear crawl. It may not be pretty, but it works. We were starting to think she would skip crawling altogether so this was a pleasant surprise. She is happy almost all the time (as long as we aren’t late for meals – sometimes I could swear this kid has a tapeworm the way she eats) and we are really beginning to see her personality develop! We are excited to see what the next month brings


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