Daily Life

Farmer’s market and hip dysplasia

K blowing bubbles at the farmer’s market

We went to the farmer’s market yesterday.  There was a little boy who wanted to play with K and she was not about it. Ever since Isabelle was born, I’ve noticed such a shift in her personality.  It kind of makes me sad.  She’s so much clingier with Jason and I like she’s worried about losing her place in her family.  At one point another little girl sat on my lap and K looked so offended and ran over to sit on Jason while he was holding Isabelle.  I try to give her extra attention as much as possible and I’m hoping she’ll branch out again when she gets used to Isabelle.  She used to be a lot more social.  I’m also helping preschool will help with that.  She starts 2 mornings a week on the 20th.  I’m really excited for her.

Isabelle’s doctor called with her ultrasound results today too and she said Isabelle has mild hip dysplasia in her right hip.  I knew it wasn’t good news as soon as the doctor said “Do you have a minute?”  She put in an urgent referral for an orthopedic doctor so we should hear back by next week regarding an appointment.  She said he would likely recommend double diapering or a cloth harness for her to wear.  I’ll have to google it.  And I was so proud of myself for making it a month without googling baby stuff!  With K all I did was google and I was always stressed.  Google always seems to come back with “they’re probably dying.”  Anyways, it sounds like the hip dysplasia is easily corrected because Belles is so young.  It just wasn’t what I wanted to hear.  No one wants to hear that something is wrong with their baby.

The tiredness of having a newborn is starting to catch up with me a little.

The tiredness of having a newborn is starting to catch up with me a little.  The first 2 or 3 weeks are so hazy it doesn’t seem so bad, and now reality is setting.  Like how long can we keep going with this little sleep?  I almost feel drunk  and at the end of the day, I can barely remember the beginning.  I feel more impatient than normal too.  I’m sure hormones aren’t helping.  Anxiety hasn’t been too bad at this point though.  I feel like the placenta pills are really helping with that.  And being so busy as well.  I just don’t have time to worry.  Friday night K goes to her grandparents so I’ll be able to sleep in for a little bit.  Looking forward to it!

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