Daily Life

All the WHY Questions

Oh, the joys of toddlerhood… One minute you’re prancing around holding Dad’s hand, and the next you are falling apart because you suddenly decided you NEEDED ice but shockingly, no one had any on them. The power struggles are out of control lately! I swear K asks for stuff she doesn’t even want just so she can fall apart when we say we don’t have it! And don’t even get me started on the questions…

The “why” I can handle. If my little one has genuine questions, I will answer “why” all day long and if I don’t know the answer, I am happy to google. I will never say no to knowledge. The questions I’m talking about are the ones the repeat over and over and over even after you answer. “Where are we going?” “Home.” “Where are we going?” “Home.” “Where are we going?” “…..Still home.” Does anyone else’s toddler do this?!

If someone described this scenario before I had kids, I would have laughed. It doesn’t sound that bad, right? But omg after answering the same question ten times, and answering 50 other questions ten times, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!

Part of me wonders is it a control thing? Are they trying to see how many times they can get something out of us that they don’t even need? (Because that sounds like a sociopath to me….) Or are they trying to initiate a conversation but have nothing new to say? I like to think the latter, but when I try to change topics and actually have a conversation, I get asked the same question again. Or is it something else entirely? Who else is dealing with this and what do you do? Or am I just a terrible mom for being annoyed by this? 

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