Daily Life

Dealing with serious temper tantrums

Okay guys, today was a rough one for us! We visited this interpretive center for the first time and there’s a really cute museum inside. They have a BINGO game for kids and have crayons you can borrow to play it. So K and I played and she was having kind of a rough time but she’s almost 3 so it was nothing out of the ordinary. Then we had to return the crayon because it wasn’t ours and K LOST IT. I mean like nothing I have ever seen before, and that’s saying a lot.

We have seen the thrashing on the ground crying tantrums, we’ve seen hitting and kicking, we’ve seen running away and refusing to come when called…

We have seen the thrashing on the ground crying tantrums, we’ve seen hitting and kicking, we’ve seen running away and refusing to come when called… This was a whole new level. I wanted to check her for broken bones or a flesh eating bacteria because in my head, there was no way any child should be acting like this unless they are dying. She would walk 5 feet, throw herself on the ground screaming at the top of her lungs like she was being murdered, thrash around, stand up walk 5 more feet, rinse and repeat.

I wanted to check her for broken bones or a flesh eating bacteria because in my head, there was no way any child should be acting like this unless they are dying.

I was trying to get her outside because we were inside an effing museum, the quietest place ever, and everyone was looking at us… I tried all my patient mom tricks to calm her down – I explained that we have to share the crayons, I tried to take a deep breath together, I offered to go to the bathroom to help her splash water on her face, I was desperate and nothing was working. And also had Isabelle in the carrier so carrying K while she was fighting with all her might wasn’t really practical.

I tried all my patient mom tricks to calm her down

So K cried/thrashed/flopped around on the ground every few feet the whole way to the car and I was almost fuming at this point, but was really trying to keep it together. Because no one wins if we are both screaming on the ground, though I was tempted. I told her we could either go home and no tv the rest of the day, or we could eat lunch outside the center and calm down, and after she could go in and apologize for her behavior. She chose the latter so we went and did lunch.

I told her she could go in and apologize for her behavior.

When it came time for the apology, K confidently walked inside, walked up to the staff at the desk, and then closed her eyes and turned her head! For what felt like an eternity but was probably 5-10 seconds. She eventually said sorry and the staff member told her she accepted her apology and we went back outside. I don’t know if her behavior was because she was tired (Isabelle screamed most of the night) or if I’m just desperately grasping at straws because I honestly can’t believe how bad this behavior was and I want to think there was a damn good reason so I can tell myself it won’t happen again.

If this is how 3 is going to be, it’s going to be a long year! Really hoping it was just an off day!

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