Daily Life

Can this Isavera Fat Freezing Belt Give You a Slimmer Waist Line?

Isavera Fat Freezing Belt Wellness Health Weight Loss @parentdaze

I have always stored fat in my midsection.

Even when I’m working out regularly and eating well, I still have a spare tire around my waist that I can’t seem to get rid of.  There are a lot of factors that contribute to belly fat, independent of diet and exercise.

Women in particular tend to store fat in our midsections, and we can blame evolution for this. Our bodies still think we need to keep our ovaries warm to protect them, even though we now have clothes, homes, and furnaces.

In addition to making me self-conscious in my crop top, excess belly fat (or any fat) increases the risk of cancer, heart disease, and a whole host of other diseases and ailments.  And this is why I decided to try the Isavera Fat Freezing Belt.  (I used the Isavera Classic that’s specifically for the stomach, but Isavera also makes products for legs, arms, and male chest.)

This belt is not meant to replace a healthy lifestyle

I want to note that this belt is not meant to replace a healthy lifestyle, which is why I’m comfortable endorsing it.  It is not designed for weight loss, and isn’t a “get thin quick “device. This belt should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, and I also recommend talking to your doctor before starting to use it.

The price tag of $2000-4000 per Cool Sculpting session was a little steep for my budget

So now let’s get to the science.  I’m sure a lot of you are thinking this belt is too good to be true.  If I wasn’t familiar with Cool Sculpting and the lymphatic system in general, I would have agreed.  But let me tell you why I believe in this belt, even though I just started using it and don’t have any results yet (but I will report back in a couple months with pics and details!)

I’m sure a lot of you are thinking this belt is too good to be true…

Fat freezing (or cryolipolosis) has already been proven as a way to eliminate excess fat.  Fat freezes at a higher temperature than skin, and Cool Sculpting is an FDA approved procedure.

Once the fat cells are frozen, they are cleared out via your lymphatic system.  When you lose fat via diet and exercise, your fat cells simply shrink, but they’re still there.   When your fat cells are frozen, they’re completely eliminated from the body.

Fat freezing has already been proven as a way to eliminate excess fat

As great as Cool Sculpting sounds, the price tag of $2000-4000 per session was a little steep for my budget, and most people need multiple sessions to achieve optimal results.  Isavera offers the opportunity to get the same results in the comfort of your own home.  You’ll need more sessions with your Isavera belt than you would Cool Sculpting sessions, because Cool Sculpting uses a vacuum to target more layers of fat at once.  But the lower price tag is totally worth it for me, and I’m able to sit and work while I wear my belt so it isn’t a huge process.

Once the fat cells are frozen, they are cleared out via your lymphatic system

So, why can’t you just use ice packs you have in your freezer right now? The gel packs Isavera uses are specifically formulated to be used for fat freezing.  They reach temperatures that are 11 degrees higher than the temperature at which frostbite occurs.  If you want to avoid frostbite, DO NOT use regular ice packs or ice to freeze your fat.

Why can’t you just use ice packs you have in your freezer right now?

Now that we’ve reviewed the science, let’s talk about the process of using the Isavera Fat Freezing Belt.  When you first receive your package, you’re going to want to lay your gel packs flat and put them in the freezer for at least 24 hours.  I keep mine on a cookie sheet to make sure they stay flat.

Let’s talk about the process of using the Isavera Fat Freezing Belt

Once the gel packs are frozen, you insert them into the belt and wear the belt for up to an hour.  You’ll receive a link after your purchase with the specifics of how long to wear it, and which pockets to put the gel packs in.  You’re going to start with 5-10 minutes and work your way up.  Make sure to refer to the instructions from Isavera, and pay attention to your skin’s response as you go.

After your session is done, you lube up your skin with lotion and use the massagers provided to massage the area.  This helps break up the frozen fat cells so they can be more easily eliminated through your lymphatic system.  The elimination process can take up to 10-12 weeks, so it may take a while for you to see results, although I did see some photos in Amazon reviews of people’s results in as little as 30 days.

Your lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating all types of toxins and waste from your body

In addition to exercising and maintaining a healthy diet as you use your fat freezing belt, I also suggest taking other steps to improve your lymphatic system.  Not only will this aid in the elimination of fat cells, but your lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating all types of toxins and waste from your body, so you want it functioning properly to achieve optimal wellness.

Other ways to support your lymphatic system include drinking plenty of water, performing lymphatic massage, acupuncture, and jumping on mini trampolines.

Stay tuned for my Isavera results in the coming months, and if you purchase your own belt, please share your results with me too!

***Disclaimer: This product was gifted to me by Isavera.  All opinions expressed here are my own.***





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