Our 2017 in pictures ? ! (Starting May 7th because there just wasn’t enough space for everything!) The first pic was the night before I had Belles. After a difficult pregnancy, I was so grateful to have made it to 39 weeks but was also nervous about having a scheduled c section after having K naturally. It obviously wasn’t my first choice but I was more scared about delivering breech and the possible complications.
The c section went pretty smoothly but as expected, recovery was rough. K was excited but skeptical about the new tiny addition to our family. The first few months were a difficult adjustment for everyone, including me as I recovered from the surgery and started learning to split my love and attention between 2 kids.
Surprisingly, by 2 months I was hiking again and I had a new hiking partner. K became really interested in hiking this year and it was a great opportunity for us to start doing things alone together while Jason and Isabelle got a chance to bond too. K even joined me in the Color Run this year and did her longest hike at 5 miles in Eaton Canyon.
On Thanksgiving, I did my first official 10k as well. I can’t wait to see what amazing hikes and runs 2018 will bring for the 2 of us ?. Because Isabelle was breech, we also spent 2017 treating her hip dysplasia. She spent 14 weeks in a pavlik harness and in the next couple months, we will find out if the treatment was successful or if she will need a body cast. We are remaining optimistic!
K also started dance this year in September right before turning 2.5. She spent the first 5 weeks sliding around on the floor before agreeing to participate ?. It was kind of stressful for me as I debated if I was forcing it despite her always saying she wanted to be there. I was so relieved when she started joining in and enjoying herself and I love watching her progress.
Isabelle began swim lessons around 4 months. She has learned to close her eyes and mouth before being submerged… but other than that, she spends a lot of her pool time relaxing with her thumb in her mouth
. At least she’s enjoying herself!

Lastly, Jason and I had an amazing but also difficult year as a couple. The arrival of a new baby is a big adjustment and comes with a lot of sacrifice. Sleep, alone time, a good chunk of your sanity… ? It’s not easy to stay on the same team when you’re running on fumes. But in the long run, it has only made our relationship stronger. (I’m pretty sure if your relationship can survive the breast milk being left out overnight and having to be thrown away, it can survive anything ?.)
I am in tears reflecting on how truly blessed we are and am beyond excited to see what 2018 will bring for all of us.
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