Daily Life

Belles has had her harness 2 weeks today!

We are 2 weeks into the harness, which means 25% of the way done with full-time wear! Woo! It’s already going by fast. They adjusted the harness today and we will go back in 2 weeks for another adjustment and possibly have her fitted for the next size harness (which would also be nice because this one is getting pretty dirty). Then at 6 weeks, we will have one more adjustment and sometime between 6 and 8 weeks, they will schedule an ultrasound to confirm she will be ready to wean to part-time wear at 8 weeks.

We are 2 weeks into the harness, which means 25% of the way done with full-time wear!

I asked if there was a chance of her hip dysplasia returning following treatment and they said she would have the same odds of getting it again as any other kid who has never had it, which is great. I also asked about restrictions following treatment and they said other than no swaddling (as if an almost 5 month old baby wants their movement restricted like that anyways), she will have no restrictions. Only 6 more weeks until she gets some harness-free time!!

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