Daily Life

A boat and a bus

What a day we’ve had today!  We decided to walk down to the arcade for a cheap afternoon of fun for K.  Tokens are pretty cheap and K spends half the time pushing buttons on random games so she doesn’t even need that many.  Plus she LOVES the carousel.  And bonus, we got in a good walk heading there (3+ miles).  After some fun at the arcade we went and got lunch.  We sat next to the band which was way louder than we expected but K loved it.  We kind of felt like assholes having a baby with us though. Probably should have brought ear protection.

Jason and K on the carousel

 We then had to walk another mile back to the main road, wait for the bus, fold up the double stroller, and lug everything and the girls onto the bus for the ride home

After lunch, we were looking forward to taking the water taxi home.  We did not know the dock at our pier is still damaged from a storm we had a few months back and is out of service so we had to get dropped off at the next stop, several miles from home.  We then had to walk another mile back to the main road, wait for the bus, fold up the double stroller, and lug everything and the girls onto the bus for the ride home (taking up 6 seats between us and the seats we had to fold up to make room for our stroller and car seat…)  The whole way back K couldn’t stop talking about how she went on both a boat and a bus today with no mention of the arcade.  Jason and I also had a great time enjoying the different scenery and chatting with each other while the kids were quiet because they were busy looking around too.  It’s been a while since we’ve had quiet conversation, and funny how much we all enjoyed ourselves as a result of something going wrong.  It really is all about the journey.

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