11 things I wish someone had told me about breastfeeding

So you had your baby. You went to a billion doctor appointments at the end, when it was time to push (or operate) it seemed like the entire hospital staff was in the room with you, and someone has probably talked to you about everything from how to care for the umbilical cord to post-partum depression. You feel prepared. And then you start breastfeeding.  Where’s your support now? You may have access to a lactation consultant at the hospital but not everyone has access after they leave, or may not be covered by insurance.  Here are the things I wish someone had told me about breastfeeding. And then you start breastfeeding.  Where’s your support now? Pain: It hurts at the beginning. At least it did for me. I saw 5 lactation consultants with Katie and they all said her latch was great and that it shouldn’t hurt. Guess what? It did. Badly. To the point where every time she woke up crying to eat, I started crying too because I didn’t want to feed her. With a vaginal birth and a c section under my belt, the only pain I ever said was a 10 was nipple pain around day … Continue reading 11 things I wish someone had told me about breastfeeding